Fancy getting your hands on some of our cool prizes? Just sit back, listen up and chillax!

Just upload your most chillaxed photo featuring one of our  Fruit Tea can or 500ml Bottle based on our theme of the week and you could stand the chance to win!

We will pick out the most creative photos based on the themes each week to give away great prizes. To help everyone chillax we will even be randomly giving away free goodies to your friends and those who just want to vote for our most chillaxed fans!

Use bottle and/or cans as the hero of the photo
Follow the weekly theme
Be creative
Give a Chillax attitude to your photo (a mix of ‘chill’ and ‘relax’)
Get your friend to click “yes” on your photo so they get a chance to win a prize too
Get an extra carton of Fruit Juice when you win if you have the hidden fruit only available at our roadshows in your picture.
We will need your pix to be at least 423 pixels x 294 pixels to capture your chillaxness

Take a photo without bottle bottle and/or can
Send a photo not in link with the weekly theme
Send a photo of last week’s theme after the closing date
Winning Criteria :

The most creative pictures based on the weekly themes
Voters are selected at random each week. The more times you vote. The higher your chances get.