Just spend RM150 above in a single receipt Contactless transaction, in any Tesco Stores/Express Stores in Malaysia, using a MasterCard® Credit, Debit or Prepaid Contactless Card to get a chance to win Iphone X and Go-Pro 6!


Iphone X x5
Go-Pro 6 x5

How to Win

  1. For every RM150 above in a single receipt Contactless transaction, in any Tesco Stores/Express Stores in Malaysia, using a MasterCard® Credit, Debit or Prepaid Contactless Card.
  2. Customer will be eligible for 1 (one) entry in this contest.
  3. After the end of the contest, 5 winners for top spenders and 5 winners for frequent shoppers will be selected amongst all the eligible entries.

That’s it! You have been entered.

Tesco:  Win Iphone X and Go-Pro 6

Duration and More Details

Contest ends: 30th April 2018


3. The contest is open to all MasterCard® Cardholders.

4. The following persons are not eligible to participate in said Contest:

a. Permanent and/or contract employees of the Organiser (and its related companies) and

b. Representatives and/or agents (including advertising agents and contest management agents) of the Organiser.

Click here to join the contest.